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Algerian visited our factory in July 2008
AddTime:2012-07-23 Editor:admin Hit:7355 From:HC factory

Our HC factory are very kindly to send invitation letter to our potential customer or friend, Mr. Achour Mezouari come from Algerian got our invitation letter and visited our factory in July 2008.

This is the first time he come to China, he said his purpose is for travel, and see our machine by the way, he definitely did this as he said, he saw our cylinder bottle screen printer HC-SC-68 no more than twenty minutes, since he was doing cleaning business and himself is an engineer he know our screen printing machine structure and technology a lot.

We show him around and taste some special Chinese food for muslin in the next one week.

To be frankly, we can’t catch each other because he speak French mostly, but we are good friends during one week communication, our friendship beyond country and language.

We took him to airport to go back to Algeria, the last words come from his month we’ll remember all the life is: I love China and Chinese people.

Thanks, deer friend, we’ll always love you, too.


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For the record 05015964 ICP, guangdong ICP 
